Wholesale Duck
We offer duck meat from the Moulard and Pekin breeds, including wholesale duck breasts and wholesale duck legs.
Our duck meat offerings also extend to duck drumettes, duck eggs, duck fat, and foie gras.
The Best Duck Meat To Eat
What'll it be: Pekin, Muscovy or Moulard duck? Not sure? We've created a useful guide to duck breeds that can help you sort it out, but here's a duck meat cheat sheet:
Pekin duck, aka Long Island duckling (even though the breed originated in China), is the most popular duck breed, perhaps because Pekin duck meat is milder tasting and lighter in color than other breeds.
Muscovy ducks are bigger breasted than Pekin duck with dark, rich-tasting, tender flesh that some find almost beef-like.
Moulard duck is what results when you cross breed Pekin ducks and Muscovy ducks. A large, meaty bird with dark flesh, plump breasts and plenty of fat that can be rendered for other uses, Moulard ducks are the preferred breed for duck foie gras.
Never Mind Duck Meat: Duck Fat is Where It's At
The happy by-product of cooking duck meat is the very flavorful fat that’s left behind in the pan. Make sure you save it. Just like bacon fat, duck fat can be used as a cooking fat in other recipes. If you’ve never had potatoes fried in duck fat, you are in for a treat.
Rendering duck fat is easy, but if it sounds like too much messy work, you can also buy bulk duck fat at Marx Foods.
Never Mind Duck Meat: Duck Fat is Where It's At
The happy by-product of cooking duck meat is the very flavorful fat that’s left behind in the pan. Make sure you save it. Just like bacon fat, duck fat can be used as a cooking fat in other recipes. If you’ve never had potatoes fried in duck fat, you are in for a treat.
Rendering duck fat is easy, but if it sounds like too much messy work, you can also buy bulk duck fat at Marx Foods.
Winging it with Fried Duck Meat Drumettes
Craving wings? Skip the chicken this time and try our wholesale duck wings instead. Follow our recipe for Pekin Duck Drumettes and watch the video to learn how to make the tastiest wings you’ve ever eaten.
Winging it with Fried Duck Meat Drumettes
Craving wings? Skip the chicken this time and try our wholesale duck wings instead. Follow our recipe for Pekin Duck Drumettes and watch the video to learn how to make the tastiest wings you’ve ever eaten.
Frequently Asked Questions About Duck Meat
Like beef, duck meat is rich in iron and protein, but duck meat has less saturated fat and more omega-3 fat than beef. Duck meat is also a good source of B vitamins, especially niacin, as well as selenium. Though ducks have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin, duck meat itself is surprisingly lean. Cooking can eliminate up to 70% of the fat in duck meat, so it can be a healthier choice than beef.
At Marx Foods, our wholesale duck meat includes Pekin duck and Moulard duck. You can buy whole ducks, Pekin or Magret duck breasts and duck legs, Pekin duck drumettes, and duck confit at Marx Foods.
Though duck meat is poultry and is considered white meat, its bold flavor is closer to that of red meat. In terms of taste and texture, a Magret duck breast can be a satisfying substitute for a steak. Because of its richer taste, duck meat also pairs better with assertive spices and fiery flavorings than other poultry. Chefs describe duck meat as more versatile than red meat and more delicious than chicken.
As with other poultry, duck can be roasted whole. Duck breasts are typically cooked in a pan on the stove after first scoring the skin to help the fat render. Duck breasts are also delicious smoked. Duck legs are often cooked low and slow in duck fat to make duck confit. Duck legs can also be braised, roasted, or cooked sous vide. You’ll find other ways to cook duck meat and dozens of duck recipes at Marx Foods.
Where to Buy Wholesale Duck Meat
Marx Foods is your source to buy duck meat in bulk. Whether you are looking for whole duck, duck breast, duck legs, duck eggs or duck liver (aka foie gras), you'll find it at Marx Foods. Buy Pekin and Moulard duck meat at Marx Foods.