Mahi Mahi Fillets

Approximately 10 lbs.

Mahi-Mahi (coryphaena hippurus ) is a large, fast growing fish found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its Hawaiian name is Mahi-Mahi, but the is commonly called Dolphinfish in English or Dorado in Spanish. Mahi-Mahi’s firm texture, leanness and mild, slightly sweet taste make it a great canvas for many different seasonings.  It features prominently in many tropical cuisines.


Approximately 10 lbs.


  • Wild
  • Skin On
  • Fresh


Available Year Round

Store mahi mahi fillets in the coldest part of your refrigerator. For long term storage they can be frozen.

Mahi Mahi fillets can be grilled, fried, or steamed and are frequently paired with tropical fruit flavors, citrus fruits, avocado, honey, or cilantro.

How to Remove Fish Skin
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